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  • kerryshanahan793

World Hearing Day- 3rd March 2022

Today is World Hearing Day.

This annual World Health Organisation event aims to raise awareness on how to prevent deafness and hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care across the world. This year's theme is 'To hear for life, listen with care'. In 2021, the WHO launched their 'World report on hearing' that highlighted the increasing number of people living with and at risk of hearing loss. This year we focus on the importance of safe listening.

Did you know... - 1 in 2 young people are at risk of hearing loss due to unsafe listening levels. - Regular exposure to noise levels above 85dB will cause a gradual hearing loss in a significant number of people. - Hearing loss due to loud sounds can be prevented.

Don't take for granted the sound of the rain, the birds tweeting, the wind, the leaves rustling, the sea... Not everyone is able to hear these wonderful sounds.

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